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                                                                                             Your Healing Playground

Akashic Records Mastery Program 



If you are ready to become a clearer channel of consciousness, to remember what you are, who you are destined to be, unlocking all the magic from within your divine consciousness.


Is mastering the art of being a clear channel for the Akashic Records (and beyond) is calling you into this divine alignment now? I am ready to show you your true essence, helping you to transform your life and the gift you are to humanity.


If you are called to the Akashic Records now, it is because you're ready to share your gifts with the world.  Moving yourself into freedom of health, wealth and abundance.


Your wisdom, knowledge, insight, guidance and healing information. All is right at your fingertips.

The next step is yours!

What you will learn: 

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Working with the Akashic Records can help you delve into past life (or lives) and future possibilities. This can enhance your psychic work and work with Tarot and other tools.

It can help you make informed aligned choses for your future.

When you work with Akashic Records, you’re looking at the highest possible view of events. Therefore, the information may be sent in less physical and more symbolic ways.

Viewing every timeline of things that have created imbalances from relationships, money, love, career, and aligning to the future desires.

Seeing the ABSOLUTE truth of situations and circumstances in your life. 

This can lead to greater healing and understanding. You may have an emotionally cleansing experience when you visit the Akashic Records. You will come away with a deeper understanding of the issues that led to a divorce, job loss or having a baby,
for example.

What people are saying

                                                              Sharon H

It has been about a week since I had a reading and akashic done by Sheri. Let me tell you I have not felt this good in a looooong time. My list of ailments is a lengthy one for sure. She wasn't able to take care of all but the major ones. I can now get outta bed with ease. Get out of my car without a struggle. I can now squat and get up without having to hold on to something or someone. I no longer have chest pains. I have had 1 anxiety attack as to the many I had a day. Back pain is minimal. I no longer feel like someone is stabbing me in my shoulder. My whole right side of my body no longer has limitations. She said it will take a few weeks for it all to kick in. Can you imagine how I will feel in 4 weeks!?!?!?! She also helped me release all the hate and hurt I had towards certain people in my life. Words can not describe how much I appreciate all that she has done. I am no longer a hot mess. I feel amazing! I have lots more to heal within myself and some life changing decisions to make but I KNOW my purpose in life. Thank you thank you thank you Sheri!!!!!!!!! 

One lady was experiencing back pain, turns out h=she was bit b a snake and dies. We did healing and her neck pain dissolved in seconds. 

To say Sheri has helped me would be an understatement! This woman has provided me with so much information and healing over the past two months I could not be more grateful! My first session with Sheri she explored some of my past lives in the Akashic Records and did some healing as well. The shifts I felt were so amazing and Sheri really helped me to feel more confident!

Isabel B

Here's a few examples of how life can change through the Akashic Records Course 

What does it mean to join the Mastery Program:

*12 months of working with pears and myself to master who you truly want to be. (Rewarding, expansion)

*Bi weekly calls ($15,000 value)

* Online access to all three levels of Akashic content. ( $7,000 value)

Class Q & A to help you anchor in ($ 11,000 value)

*All material (Priceless)

*Access all your records of learning ($8000 value )

* How to close people records completely ($10,000 value)

That's a total of $51,000 value

For you to have this experience is just $9999

Limited time offer of $8888  till December 11, 2024

or 12 month plan for $855 a month

Enrollment Is Open Now. Class starts January 6, 2024

Akashic Mastery Program is a 12 month deep emersion into who you are and who you want to be. By releasing and aligning to love of self  you will expand your life and consciousness.

Mastering Communication

Connecting to your guides

Understanding your goals and aspirations

Tapping onto your divine mastery

Deep transformational healing

Ancestorial healing 

Connecting to two plains of existence

Evolving through collective records

Building trust within you 

Harnessing your gifts 

Connect consciousness though the records and love 

And much more 



Akashic Mastery Program

Get started today before the special pricing expires. 

                                                            If Your Ready 

                                                                                  Grab this special offer, yours till December 11, 2024